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Educate. Equip. Inspire. Grow. Empower. Build Legacy.

Supporting education and community empowerment

Our team is dedicated to creating an environment that educates, equips, inspires, grows and empowers Tigrayans in the diaspora to build a path towards a prosperous future for themselves and the communities they represent. 



Facilitate self-awareness

 Through better understanding of the depth of our rich and long history


Establish a dynamic exchange of information

By connecting experienced and young professionals


Develop individual and group support systems

For young people growing up and traversing through challenging social conditions


Improving the quality of life

By providing opportunities for growth, development, innovative solutions, and building strong leaders across all of our communities.

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Our Programs

“Some things diminish with usage; learning increases with use.” 

— African Proverb

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Building Communities and Leaders

Our approach extends beyond schools to ensure our youth and young professionals understand the importance of social action and engagement, identity, personal growth and professional development, and networking.